One day, on the Fan Video forum, someone thought up a fantastic idea: creating a quarterly challenge in which all contestants would be required to produce a work based on specific rules, to then be judged by a select anonymous panel of experienced fan video editors and long time fan video viewers. Here are my entries.

Date and entry Small
June 2006:
Where I Want to Be
            runner-up, Q1 Challenge 2006
17 MB 46 MB
  • Rules: character study, no special effects, no fancy transitions, only straight cuts and cross-dissolves allowed.
  • Criteria: entusiasm and originality; musical interpretation and matching; character interpretation; clean editing; overall concept
  • Judges' comments: This video was breathtaking, and wowed all the judges. Crisp, sharp editing and picture quality. We all loved the unique song choice, which provided a perfect study of the character of the Phantom. We got a feel for his internal hopes and dreams for a happy, normal life through Christine and felt the change in his attitude becoming more sardonic and bitter as he saw those dreams elude his grasp. Very impressive, beautiful video!